5 Ways To Save Your Sanity When Traveling With Kids

4 Ways To Save Your Sanity When Traveling With Kids, FamilyTraveling with your kids is one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. To be able to share the experiences of the world with them is a priceless gift for both them and you. You will particularly notice this as they get older; some of the things they will mention will leave you astounded that they remembered that moment!

Traveling with kids can also be a difficult experience at times. Children are pretty hardy but extra preparation is often required to make sure there aren’t any meltdowns when kids get too tired or too hungry. So we thought we’d give you a handy list of 4 ways to save your sanity when you set out to travel with your kids.

5 Ways To Save Your Sanity When Traveling With Kids

1. Be Aware of Things That can Delay your Entrance to Exciting Places
4 ways to save your sanity when traveling with kids, Theme park
For example, Florida theme park tickets are easily purchased online. But did you know that when you buy vouchers online for theme parks you still have to queue at the gate to get your actual tickets? Yep – me either! 

Your kids might be excited to get inside and you’ve told them it will just be a minute, only to discover you have a 45-minute line up in the hot sun to exchange your voucher for real entry tickets! Plan ahead when visiting attractions and check that the service sells you real tickets to avoid the longest hour of your life with whiney kids!

2. Carry Snacks
Yep – seems obvious! But if you’re not prepared you can discover there are no more granola bars or apples in your bag just when you’ve been informed that the bus journey is actually 3 hours longer than promised and you won’t be making stops to buy food! Little tummies can’t hold as much as an adult tummy and kids need regular top-ups. 

Make sure everyone has at least a bottle of water and that you have a stash of snacks for those emergency situations. A squashed flat bag of dried fruit or crushed biscuits from the recesses of your day pack is better than nothing at all.

3. Know Where The Toilets Are
4 ways to save your sanity when traveling with kids, Bathrooms
Kids often don’t need to go to the toilet until OH MY GOD I NEED TO GO NOOOOOOWWWW MUM!! Keep an eye out for bathroom stops and encourage your kids to use them, just in case! I’d suggest a small packet of tissues tucked into your bag too.

4. Know your kid’s sleep needs
If youkids are like mine they will fit in with whatever routine your family is in that week. Seeing events that are once-in-a-lifetime sights might mean your kids have to stay up later than they are used to. Plan to let them sleep in the next day rather than having a busy outing planned so you can all enjoy the event without worrying about the fall-out the next day.

Sometimes in all the craziness of travel, it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep, but it may not be the only reason. An at-home cortisol test can help you determine if there is a physical reason you kid may be having a hard time sleeping at night and you can't figure out why.

5. Take Some Time to Relax on Your Trip
It's safe to say we all need a little time to decompress, but some kids may need it a little more often. Long travel days and sightseeing can really take a toll on everyone. Planning an off day here and there where everyone can recharge and be energized for the exciting adventures to come!

If you make a few small adjustments and plan ahead, traveling with kids will be the amazing adventure you imagined it would be. A few small adjustments and some forethought can mean a far greater chance of smooth sailing!

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