Tanzania's Top Safari Lodges to See Lions

Tanzania safaris always revolve around the Wildebeest Migration – however the big cat viewing in Tanzania is also second to none and on any luxury safari in Tanzania you will find that the more remote you are, the better your chances of seeing big cats.

They gravitate towards more remote areas away from the large numbers of vehicles of say the Central Serengeti. Private concessions usually offer the best chance of seeing lions, as they often have fantastic anti poaching systems, which means the animals gravitate towards these areas, knowing they are safe havens. Lions are facing as much danger from poaching as the elephants and rhinos are, and their numbers have been in decline for over ten years.

Here are our top five camps for seeing lions on a Tanzania safari:

Siwandu Camp
Siwandu Camp lies on the border of the territory of two different prides of lion, which means there is often lion action right in the camp as they protect their border lines. Siwandu is situated on the waters of Lake Nzeraker, part of the Rufiji River system. It is in the perfect setting to experience the remarkable landscape and wildlife of the Selous Game Reserve. This reserve is the largest in Africa and has over 2,100 species of plants, 400 different bird and 4,000 lion.

Chada Katavi
This remote camp sits in Katavi, which is famous for having a very high density of predators. The untouched surroundings of Chada Katavi and the intimate setting of just six East African Safari tents makes this intimate tented camp welcoming and friendly. Each comfortable and relaxing tent, with wide open fronts give a fantastic view of the plain below. Evening drinks around the campfire are a tradition as it helps to finish off a day of excitement out in the wilderness.

Lamai Nomad
Lamai Nomad sits in the Northern Serengeti on the border of the Masai Mara and offers fantastic lion viewing, they often sit on rocky outcrops and peep over as you drive past. Lamai Nomad is situated amongst the rocks of Kogakurla Kopje, just a few miles from where the wildebeest cross the Mara River. There are 12 rooms and they are split into two lodges, the main lodge consists of eight rooms and the smaller private lodge of four rooms.

Serengeti Safari Camp
Serengeti Safari Camp moves to follow the wildebeest migration and so is always in the thick of it when it comes to lion action. It has six open-plan walk-in meru tents with en-suite bathrooms and new eco-flush toilets. All the camps are simple but personal to give the guest a more warming feel.

Azura Selous
The lodge is located on the Ruaha River in an exceptionally remote part of the Selous which is a haven for lions. It offers 13 air conditioned rooms. Azura Selous proves itself to be a breathtaking destination where game viewing has only increased in the years. The lodge suites have their own private plunge pool overlooking the river and the main area is set around a great infinity pool with a restaurant nearby.

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  1. They all sound lovely for a luxury safari... And anything with a private pool gets our vote. We saw many lions up close on our safari in South Africa. And we'd return to African in a heartbeat.

    1. How wonderful! I agree Africa can call me to visit anytime:)

  2. A safari in Tanzania is way up there on my must-do-soon list, so this is great to know! I love that first picture of the lion just hanging on the tree - makes me laugh :)

    1. Oh yes, I agree. Lions looks so sweet and cuddly from a distance:)

  3. We all know that when tiger attack us, we should climb on tree to save us . but here I found a different picture that tiger can climb on tree. Really nice snapshot.

    1. Thanks! These are lions though so maybe that is the difference. I thought all cats could climb trees?!
